Student Success Advising Starting the Semester Checklist
7777 South May Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73159
Hours of Operation:
Mon-Thu: 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Fri: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.*
*Please note the third Friday of every month the Office of Student Success Advising will open at 10 a.m.
Starting the Semester Checklist
Getting ready to start a new semester can seem a little overwhelming. This checklist will help ensure that you've completed the main tasks so that your semester gets off to a great start. Once you've applied and been admitted, your first step each semester is to enroll in courses.
Get Registered for Courses
Meeting with an Academic Advisor is a great way to make sure you are enrolling in classes that fit your needs.
Complete the New Student Orientation
If you are a new student at Oklahoma City Community College, consider signing up for the New Student Orientation. The New Student Orientation is a great way to become familiar with the OCCC campus, learn what to expect from your courses, and learn about the resources OCCC has to offer.
Get Student ID
All students enrolled in credit classes at OCCC must have an OCCC photo identification (ID) card. OCCC student ID cards are required for admittance to the Test Center, the Academic Support Labs, the Library, and other student facilities and activities. New students can obtain an OCCC ID card at the Front Counter located in the Admission, Records, and Graduation office or online through Touchnet One Card. Mobile Student ID cards are free for new students. New students must visit the Records Counter to take their photo for the mobile ID card. Should you want a physical ID card, the cost is $10.
Apply for Financial Aid
If you plan on using Financial Aid (Pell Grants, Student Loans, or Work-Study), it is important that you file for Financial Aid prior to the semester starting. It can take between 4-6 weeks for a student application to be processed. To apply for financial aid complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). OCCC FAFSA School Code: 010391. After you have applied, check your OCCC email regularly for important notifications! Login to the MyOCCC Portal under Student Self-Service you can review your financial aid. Submit all required documents listed to complete your file.
Access the OCCC Technology
MYOCCC Portal: The My OCCC Portal is an important site that allows you to enroll in courses, view your schedule, and check your academic records and transcripts.
Student Email: All official email communication between you and OCCC must be done through your OCCC Student Email account, so it is important to know how to login and use it. You can also add the account to your Apple or Android device to get important email as soon it arrives.
Moodle: Login to Moodle and Complete the Moodle Orientation before the first day of class. It is recommended that all students complete the Moodle Orientation to learn how to access online courses and find course information and your current grades for online and on-campus courses.
Purchase Textbooks and Materials
After you've enrolled, you are ready to visit the OCCC Bookstore to purchase the textbooks you will need for your courses. Bring your course schedule with you to help find the specific textbooks for your courses. You can also order textbooks and course codes online through the bookstore website. The OCCC Bookstore also has other supplies you might need, such as notebooks, planners, and flash drives.
Pay your Tuition and Fees
This is also a good time to pay for your courses at the Bursar Office or online through the MYOCCC Portal under Student Self-Service. Payment information is available on the Bursar Office.
First Day of School
Online Students: Login to Moodle (you will not see your courses prior to the first day). Make sure you read your syllabus for each of your courses and email your professor with any questions you may have about the syllabus. Add all test dates, assignments, readings, etc. to your calendar, planner, smart phone, etc. Also make sure you complete all first week assignments for your courses.
On-Campus Students: It is a good idea to find the rooms where your courses will meet before the first day of class. You can find the room numbers listed on your course schedule, and locate them using the MyWay campus map. You can also use the MyWay map to plan the best places to park depending on where your classes meet. The campus is a busy place during the first weeks of class, so plan to arrive early to get a good parking spot.
Know Where to Get Help
There are many resources available to you as an OCCC Student.
- The OCCC Help Desk can help with login and password issues.
- There are many campus labs and centers to help with your courses.
- GradeResults is available for free online tutoring.
- Student Accessibility and Support helps provide accommodations to qualifying individuals, provides confidential counseling services when a student needs to talk to someone about obstacles in their personal life, and provides friendly and knowledgeable support to Veterans and dependents.
- The Student Success Advising is available to provide tips to help you be successful as well as Personal Strategy Sessions for your individual needs.
Once your courses begin, don't hesitate to email your instructors any questions you have about your courses.