Title III Course Redesign – Year 2
Course Redesign – Year 2
General Biology (Non Majors), Principles of Microeconomics, and Introduction to Psychology course redesign teams worked with the Title III Curriculum Specialist weekly to revise their courses from September 2015 through May 2016. The English Composition II course redesign team worked with the CLT Director weekly to revise their course from September 2015 through May 2016. During that time all of the teams participated in a series of professional development sessions focused on learning theory and best practices in curriculum design.
The teams worked collaboratively throughout the course redesign process to incorporate effective learning strategies grounded in learning theory for underprepared learners into their courses in order to improve successful course completion.
Course Redesign Teams
General Biology (Non Majors) | Principles of Microeconomics |
Introduction to Psychology | English Composition II |
Faculty Training on Revised Curriculum
After the General Biology (Non Majors), Principles of Microeconomics, Introduction to Psychology, and English Composition II course revisions were complete by May 2016 the course redesign teams developed the faculty training on the revised curriculum.
In May and June of 2016, course redesign teams presented training sessions on the new revised curriculum to their full-time and adjunct faculty.
Principles of Microeconomics adjunct faculty were not hired and training did not occur on the revised curriculum due to increased class sizes in the fall 2016 semester.