Fostering Higher Education Fostering Your Future
Fostering Your Future
The Oklahoma City Community College FOSTERing Your Future program connects you with a Foster Care liaison. Your liaison can help provide you information regarding financial, community, and campus resources for which you may qualify.
The mission of the FOSTERing Your Future program is to increase awareness, access, and success of future and current students at Oklahoma City Community College who are alumni of the foster care system. Our program is part of a larger state-wide effort to provide more support and awareness for foster care alumni.
To learn more about the state wide network visit
Possible Resources Available
As an Oklahoma foster care alumnus, you maybe be eligible to attend college at a low cost, or free, through a state tuition and fee waiver program. You may also be eligible for assistance with books and housing opportunities.
There may be additional community resources available as well.
You can learn more here: /support/Community.html
Enroll now
If you are a graduate of the Oklahoma foster care system, we invite you to connect with our program.
Contact your Foster Care Liaison
There is a campus liaison ready to assist you.
Kim Velleca ( 405-682-7595