Writing Center Links
(405) 682-1611 Ext. 7379
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Oklahoma City, OK 73159
An educational resource of Division of Arts, English, and Humanities
These web sites, many of them interactive, provide structured lists for help with grammar, literature, vocabulary/spelling, and composition. We hope these sites are useful to you. They are listed here as a service, not necessarily as a foolproof endorsement. Please contact us at tonja.l.nelson@occc.edu with additional comments, questions, or concerns.
Grammar - Rules and Quizzes
Self-study Quizzes for ESL students, part of the Internet TESL Journal's Activities for ESL Students, is a large collection of grammar quizzes.
The Bluebook of Grammar and Punctuation is an online grammar textbook.
Houghton Mifflin's Writing: ACE Practice Tests another collection of grammar quizzes.
The Internet Grammar of English is an online course in English grammar written primarily for university undergraduates. It does not assume any prior knowledge of grammar.
William Strunk's Elements of Style, is available as a courtesy of the Bartleby project. This is useful for grammar and for writing.
Jack Lynch's Grammar and Style Notes, an alphabetized collection of grammar rules and explanations, comments on style, and suggestions on usage.
Research - Citing Sources, Format, etc.
Searching for Sources is a courtesy of University of Purdue Online Writing Lab which will help you use search engines more effectively.
Evaluating Sources is a courtesy of University of Purdue Online Writing Lab
Using Modern Language Association (MLA) Format is a courtesy of University of Purdue Online Writing Lab.
Using American Psychological Association (APA) Format is a courtesy of University of Purdue Online Writing Lab.
Literature Sites
The On-line Books Page is an indexed and linked list of thousands of books available online.
The Literature Network offers thousands of selections including books, poems, and short stories in a searchable platform.
Glossary of Poetic Terms is a reference site covering poetic terminology.
Online Writing Labs (OWLs)
Online Writing Lab at Purdue is considered the granddaddy of all current OWLs.
Reference Sites - Dictionaries, Thesauruses (Theasauri), Encyclopedias
Merriam-Webster Dictionary is one of the most popular dictionaries of the English language.
The Encyclopedia Britannica is available courtesy of The Washington Post.
is available courtesy of the Bartleby project.
Yourdictionary.com allows the student to find words in several languages.
Roget's Thesaurus is the online version of a necessary reference for writers.
Library Spot is an online library with links to several reference sources.
Writing - General Information
Jack Lynch's Grammar and Style Notes, an alphabetized collection of grammar rules and explanations, comments on style, and suggestions on usage.
Paradigm Online Writing Assistant takes the student through the steps of writing an essay.
William Strunk's Elements of Style, available courtesy of the University of Washington. This is useful for grammar and for writing.