Digital Cinema Production Greg Mellott
Greg Mellott
Professor Greg Mellott comes from a career of writing and producing in Hollywood and Asia, and has a long friendship with OCCC's artist-in-residence, Gray Frederickson. Professor Mellott has worked with Jackie Chan and David Chan, producer of "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", and traveled all over the world making films - Canada, Australia, the Philippines, Istanbul, Sweden and Spain.
Professor Mellott has a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University of California at Los Angeles, and a Master's Degree from the University of Southern California, now called the School of Cinematic Arts. He is also a member of Phi Beta Kappa.
"Professor Mellott won an Emmy in 2008 for a documentary he wrote and directed. "Dream No Little Dream" on the life of Robert S. Kerr. Gray Frederickson produced the film and also won an Emmy. The crew was composed of graduates or current students of the FVP program."
"Professor Mellott continues to write and direct because he believes the best teachers are the teachers who remain artists themselves, who keep challenging themselves through their art -- and teach students from that place of inspiration in all filmmakers, students and teachers alike -- the artist within you."